Saturday, May 9, 2009

Taman Desa Panmee - Restaurant Sepetang

If you're ever in the area, drop by Taman Desa to try this bowl of panmee! This gerai (hawker stall) has been around quite awhile, i've eaten here back in 2005 i think! Their speciality really is a really good brothful bowl of noodles with lots of mince pork meat and condiments. Portions really is huge, so order at your discretion. 

A double engine :) Two panmee rollers, and i shoulda taken a shot of the noodle block, it was before lunch when we arrive and it looked like they've gone through 10% of it only. It's huge, nearly a foot long and a probability of making tons of noodles :) You could see a glimpse of it right behind the right roller! Business is good!Restaurant Sepetang is really a nice place, albeit it's a coffee-shop and non-a/c but it's spacious and it opens up to the back alley where most would sit and enjoy the cold breeze. We'd usually order and move on to the back!And as always, a cuppa cham or "tea-coffee mix", one for the missus, another for me :)

Most other times, we'd eat a soup bowl 'pulled' instead of 'yao' or thin as really the only way to enjoy good soupy panmee is 'pulled' as you'd taste the noodles more (As per the Klang's Fatty Mee). Somewhat like eating the usual spagetti bolognese instead of angelhair bolognese... somehow, u don't taste the pasta as well (IMHO). If you're wondering what's 'pulled' and 'yao' means, i wrote about it earlier here!

Oh yeah! Of course... the neccesary 'evils' :) A compulsory big bowl of vegetables!! :)

I kinda took this photo half way digging into the bowl. That's half the amount of meat i had in mine! So for the meat lover, do expect chunks of mince pork in your noodles :)

This is the dry big version. It's great with lots of chillies so ensure that they've given you enough. I'd usually dump a whole sauce-bowl in and would need more to go :P  

The humble pounded chilli belacan sauce, simple yet the best thing ever for a big bowl of panmee. Doesn't look that great though, but really... it'd spice up your meal alright! :P

All in all, we ordered two big bowls and an extra bowl of vegie and the bill came up to RM9! Yeap, it's really good/economical/healthy/and have i mentioned cheap too? :P A hearty cheap meal in Klang Valley. So here's a map to the location, unfortunately the shop doesn't have other details or days off mentioned! If anyone do know, please comment yah! 

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