Yay! it was about time, it took me a good 2 weeks to repair and re-setup my diamond shaped aquarium; this time with a lil' more caution, we'd decided to place the tank outside! :) Only survivor from last month's leaking incident were the convicts, and a single midas cichlid.
This time around, I'd thought it'd be fun to catch the fishes for my aquarium instead of fish-shopping as usual :) First trip out n we managed to hook 4 juvenile midas cichlid and a single jaguar guapote! First time i saw this fish, i thought it was a typical tilapia of some weird origin! Beautiful fish, with its jaguar like spots... though, i wonder how it manage to survive in a pond filled with midases... He's surely timid n gets bullied by the bigger, fatter midas! hopefully, life here wouldn't be as stressful! :)
Here are sommore pics of the new members. They're getting bullied by the smaller convicts, surprisingly. I guess now i know how the convicts gets their reputations for being the bad boys of the aquarium world.
Oh if u're wondering if the tigerbarbs were caught...sorry, last time i managed to do that was in Kundang, Selangor... maybe 2 decades ago! These guys were purchased, unfortunately. Needed some buffer fish, to de-stress the midas and others! What better fishes then tigerbarbs!
By the way, did you see that multi-coloured fish in the background above?! I caught this guy and a slight more matured midas just the other day and have no blinking idea what he is! :P Anyone seen this fishes around? I first thought it was a flowerhorn, but then you don't get the tail colourations. 2nd guess was a Cichlasoma festae! But both aren't a dead-ringer to this guy...maybe he's just an immature flowerhorn trying to his his stripes :)
Will leave you guys with pics of the scardey midas, takes them a while to acclimatize to their new environment though; the new bunch were hiding most of the time for the first few days! Signs of intelligence maybe? :P Can't wait to go on another excursion to see what we'll catch next :)