29'th March, 2009, it's been a week and two days and here's some progress. The water-poppies, mosaic plant and water pennywoth are growing taller! Also, I notice that I've got small shoots for the pennywoth too! As for the swordplant, not much growth but i did notice pearling from the second day onwards. It's a rather satisfying feeling one gets when seeing your plants pearling and knowing all things are hopefully gonna be fine! Or so i'd wish, lol! If u squint a lil', the swordplant's actually pearling a string of bubbles to the top of the tank! Even some of the java-fern and pennywoth has lil' bubbles on their leaves. It's beautiful when the sun-rays hits the tank, n stuffs starts happening :) Unfortunately, along with everything else in the tank, even the green slimy moss would bubbles away! Jeez, stubborn algae this is, i've even tried taking a toothbrush to it with no avail! Only hope is that everything outgrows it and it'd die a natural death! :P
Two days ago, i actually trimmed off two leaves from the sword plant... and if u'd notice from the picture below, it's turning yellow from the inside out! It's happening to a few of the older pennywoth too! Some say it's a nitrogen deficiency, others potassium... but i've been fertilizing with tulip tablets! But i can't be sure at all, would have to research more though...!!
Here's the tank after a week, u'd notice the plants have stretched out... unfortunately, it's not the same for the glosso!! The glosso leaves are getting trashed and i'm not having much hope on it as my light's very much dependent on sunlight n the weather these days hasn't been the greatest. After YY's reprimand on putting in glosso prematurely, i'd say to heck with it! :P But surprise suprise, i do see one single baby leaf coming out, unblemished, pure! Will this be my one and only glosso survivor! The one n only survivor?! Lol...we'd find out overtime i guess!
Oh yeah, and here's my diy light fixture, using a downlight box and the Philips 23W Brightlight CFL. Obviously, there's a chance of the whole entire thing short-curcuit-ing and burning my whole house down, even it being earth-ed... I'd only use it with supervision. The stand's actually a cloth-hanger, bended to clip onto the side of my tank. Thanks to MACC for this suggestion!
Some pictures of the glosso in the tank! As you can see, they aren't the happiest of plants at the moment! Oh yeah, here are the newest edition to my tank, 3 pairs of red wag platies as per suggestion by YY to kick-start the nitrogen cycle! I'm also hoping that this guys would help eat up some of the green algae in the tank and over the days, I've also notice green crap all over the tank! Maybe is, maybe not?! :P Photos for the next update, yah!